Availability:in stockMany in stockSorry but we are temporarily out of stock for a short time. Please contact us if you wish to be placed on our waiting list to ensure that you receive this item.We're temporarily out of stock on this hot selling product; and we expect to have this item in stock very soon. Place your order now so that you will be guaranteed delivery of this item.
Armour Matte Black Bull Bar without LED Lights. Gives your vehicle the ultimate front-end protection. The highly durable material of this Bull Bar is highly resistant to rust and corrosion.
Compatible with 2020-2022 Jeep Gladiator / 2018-2022 Jeep Wrangler JL ( Excl. Mojave trim and trims with Fox Hydraulic Jounce Bumpers and upgraded 2.5in FOX Internal Bypass shocks with external reservoir)
Rugged front –end protection for on and off –road
Cold-rolled mild steel construction
Bolt-On Frame - Mounted, no drill installation
Pre-drilled and capped holes to accept and relocate bumper sensors
Matte black hi-impact powder-coat finish
Includes Grade 5 OEM Spec. Mounting Hardware
Configured to accept Black Horse 20” LED Light Bar Part# PL3104FS-SNL3W (Lights Not Included). Additional $300.00
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