Availability:in stockMany in stockSorry but we are temporarily out of stock for a short time. Please contact us if you wish to be placed on our waiting list to ensure that you receive this item.We're temporarily out of stock on this hot selling product; and we expect to have this item in stock very soon. Place your order now so that you will be guaranteed delivery of this item.
Climbing in and out of a pickup truck’s bed can not only be strenuous, but hazardous. Great Day’s new Side-Step provides an instant “leg up” to get you in and out quickly and safely. It quickly attaches to the trailer hitch and can be left in place at all times—ready when you need it.
The Side-Step is constructed of aircraft aluminum and has a weight capacity of 300 lbs. It features a 3” x 6” step plate with gripping ridges to provide sure footing. The Side-Step telescopes from 44” in to only 34” when not in use---with the simple pull of a quick-clip pin, it can be re-extended and ready to go!
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