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If you own a Ram Promaster, you know that it's the perfect vehicle for many uses. But to make the most of your Ram Promaster, you need to add a few essential accessories – one of which is a set of Ram Promaster running boards. Not only do these running boards provide much-needed easier step access for getting in and out of your vehicle, but they also give your Ram Promaster an extra element of stylish looks. That’s why these Ram Promaster running boards are a must-have item for your vehicle.
Since these running boards are made to custom-fit your vehicle, most applications simply bolt into the existing holes in your vehicle frame. If you have the basic hand tools, then it's that simple & easy. All mounting hardware and detailed installation instructions are included. Free factory tech support is also included.
The STX600 running boards was designed for the needs of the working truck and van owner, featuring an aggressive style for any use.
Heavy duty 14-gauge stamped carbon steel deck
6 1/2” step surface for comfort & security
Fully E-Coated to resist rust and corrosion
Innovative track mounting system allows for multiple mounting positions
Protects vehicle rocker panels from potential road damage
(1) 76" Long Passenger Side Running Board. (1) 32" Long Drivers Side Door Running Board. (1) Complete Mounting Bracket Installation Kit and Installation Instructions.
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